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Due diligence

We consider due diligence to be a natural part of taking responsibility.

Responsibility that is rooted in our Code of Conduct

See our Code of Conduct

Our responsibility to act with due diligence is rooted in the Code of Conduct adopted by our Board of Directors.

The following are excerpts from the Code of Conduct, which applies to our own employees, contractors and to everyone else involved in our business.

  • We take responsibility for the social consequences of our operations, including with regard to environmental impact, working conditions and social conditions.
  • We must always endeavour to ensure that any negative consequences of our business are limited to an acceptable minimum and that we implement remedial measures where required.
  • We must always respect the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the fundamental rights of our employees as expressed through ILO conventions, the Working Environment Act, and collective agreements.
  • We must always act in a professional, commercially viable, honest, and ethical manner.
  • We take responsibility for ensuring sustainable value creation for our owners, the local communities in which we operate, our employees, and society at large.
  • Our actions are guided by honesty, business acumen, and due regard for our partners, suppliers, customers and our surroundings in general.
  • Our approach is rooted in loyalty and commercial viability, not personal interests.
  • We take responsibility for reporting censurable conditions and violations of internal and external rules.

Due diligence assessment

We apply the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises when conducting due diligence assessments.

Our compliance with the provisions of the Transparency Act is a natural part of our quality management:

  • Our management system is based on ISO 9001 and contains a description of how we quality-control our obligations.
  • Our risk management approach is based on ISO 31000 and is also used when conducting documented due diligence assessments.

Overview of our main activities related to due diligence assessments:

  • We carry out targeted risk assessments within the areas of fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.
  • We connect with suppliers through a selection process before entering into a contract, and we follow up our suppliers during the contract period.
  • We select business partners that demonstrate respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, and all our partnerships are regulated through a standard agreement.
  • We have an overview of our suppliers and business partners.
  • We carry out risk assessments in order to be able to prioritise.
  • We must regularly, and at least once a year (by 30 June of each year), submit a report on our due diligence assessments.

In our business, we have identified the following areas that entail a risk of negative consequences for human rights and decent working conditions:

Children in the field
Production environment