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Portrait of Mette

Mette Rostad

Mette is in her second year as an Aneo trainee. Learn what she thinks about being a trainee and her future at Aneo.

Age: 26

Education: Master of Science in Energy and Environment

Current department: Optimisation and Analysis


“My trainee position has given me great faith in my career choice and professional future.”

Why did you apply for a trainee position at Aneo?  

“Because I’d already both worked as a summer intern and had a part-time position at what used to be TrønderEnergi, where I worked on the EU project +CityxChange.   

It’s a really exciting development project, and I wanted to keep working on it after getting my master’s degree. I also knew that TrønderEnergi/Aneo had a great work environment, and that I would be well looked after here.”   

What do you like most about working at Aneo?  

“I like that what the whole business is doing is super-relevant to the times in which we’re living, and that by working at Aneo I’m helping to shape the sustainable and renewable power systems of the future. And there’s no denying that a young and good work environment makes it fun to go to work.” 

What have you been working on during your time as a trainee?  

“Throughout my trainee period, I’ve worked with demand response in the +CityxChange project. I’ve also spent a whole summer as a substitute production planner at the production centre, and now I work with the regulating power market, focusing on wind production.”  

What’s the best thing about being a trainee?  

“The best thing about being a trainee is the wide variety of tasks you get by taking advantage of the opportunity to change departments along the way. It gives you fantastic, broad insight into what the entire company is doing, not just your own department. Social activities and lunches are also arranged for the trainees, which makes the trainees a really lovely, tight-knit group.” 


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Production environment