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Portrait of Stian R

Stian Naas Reitan

Stian is a first-year trainee with a background in law. Read more about what he works with in the power industry and what he likes best about working with us. 

Age: 30

Education: Lawyer and Master of Laws

Current department: Legal Staff and Asset Management


Why did you apply for a trainee position at Aneo?  

“I applied for the position because the Group's two-year trainee programme seemed like a unique opportunity to learn more about the energy industry ‘in-house’. And I simply couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take part in the green shift from a legal perspective, as well as to contribute to the further growth of a forward-looking company with a focus on sustainability and renewable solutions.” 

What do you like most about working at Aneo?  

“The best thing about working at Aneo is that I have varied tasks, and surrounded as I am by pleasant and professionally skilled colleagues, every day at work is both educational and exciting. With trust and responsibility, I can challenge and develop myself.” 

What have you been working on during your time as a trainee?  

I’ve mostly worked with Aneo’s wind power business, but I still do a lot of different things – everything from purely legal tasks to more commercial and business aspects. In terms of legal matters, I’ve handled everything from follow-up, interpretation and the drafting of contracts to legal investigations and assistance in individual cases. The legal assistance consists of everything from brief responses to e-mails to writing more extensive internal memoranda and external letters. My Asset Management responsibilities have included helping to prepare documents and reports on matters for the board, as well as ongoing contract and conflict management vis-à-vis our contract counterparties. This is part of the management of our facilities and their power production. I’ve also helped develop new individual projects in the group.” 

What’s the best thing about being a trainee?  

“I’ve got to say that it’s definitely the social environment among the trainees! The trainee programme has a tonne of fun stuff to offer, both socially and professionally.” 


Got more questions for Stian?

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