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Portrait of Håkon

Håkon Slåtten Kjærnli

Håkon is in his second year as a trainee. He’s part of our in-house AI department. Scroll down to read more about his job here. 

Age: 28

Education: Master’s degree in Informatics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Current department: AI

Why did you apply for a trainee position at Aneo?  

“It was a natural next step after having a summer job and writing my master’s thesis here.”

What do you like most about working at Aneo?  

“All the incredibly talented people in every part of the company. Especially the AI department, which is an impressive and large professional environment that no one else in the power industry can match. Being a member of that team is incredibly educational and exciting.” 

What have you been working on during your time as a trainee?  

“I spent a long time on a wind project, where we forecast the production of wind power using meteorological data. 

Now I’ve moved on to a flexibility project in which we’ll optimise power consumption and control the intake flow of Aneo Build’s batteries.” 

What’s the best thing about being a trainee?  

“Trainee lunches, trainee trips, and the chance to get to know several sides of the company.” 

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